
Showing posts from August, 2017

Things You Should Know About Breast Enhancement!

Breast augmentation is a surgical procedure designed to enhance as well as improve the symmetry and fullness of the breasts through implants (gel-like fluid in a flexible sac); or to bring back breast volume lost as a result of pregnancy, aging or weight loss.  Before opting for such a procedure, there are certain points that you absolutely must consider, which are:  Picking silicone or saline implants:  when it comes to implants, you have two options available - saline or silicone. Providing a uniform shape and firmness, saline implants come filled with sterile salt water. In contrast, silicone breast implants contain elastic gel, giving them the look of natural breasts. In terms of elasticity, saline implants can be adjusted more easily as you can inject or remove liquid from the implant. In contrast, silicone implants cannot be adjusted as they are already filled with the gel.  Getting the right size:  choosing the right size for br

Understanding The Breast Augmentation Cosmetic Surgery

The process of breast augmentation , popularly known as breast enlargement or implants, effectively increases the size of the breasts through insertion of silicone gel implants or saline implants. It is known to be popular among women and is frequently done and shows quite satisfying results. Why do women opt for breast augmentation? Some women opt for implants to enhance their figure Others opt for implants, when they experience some sort of sagging or alteration to their breast after a pregnancy or after losing some weight and even due to old age. Some women also choose enhancement surgery, if they feel that one breast is smaller than the other. What does a breast augmentation procedure involve? Breast augmentation surgery is generally performed, while the patient is under the influence of general anaesthesia. In case of enhancement with the help of implants, an incision is made in the breast tissue and a pocket is created to place the impla

Breast Augmentation for Increasing Size and Projection of Breasts

If breasts of a woman are smaller and are not in proper proportion with other body parts such as waist and hips, cosmetic surgeons perform breast augmentation to increase the shape of breasts with breast implants or fat transfers. This surgery is clinically known as Augmentation Mammaplasty and called as ‘boobs job’ by patients sometimes. This procedure can also restore the breast volume that women usually lose during pregnancy or due to sudden weight reduction. Thus women can have more rounded breast shape or symmetrical breast shape for younger looks. If the fat from some other part of the patient’s body is used to reshape patient’s breasts then the surgery would be also known as ‘fat transfer breast augmentation.’ Breast augmentation surgeon performs this surgery to increase projection and fullness of patient’s breasts, improve proportional balance of breasts and hips contours and for breast reconstruction after an injury. Surgeons follow a procedure to

Breast Reduction Surgery to Reduce the Size of Breasts to Bring It in Proportion

If a woman’s breast are abnormally grown leading to awkward looks the size of breasts can be reduced by breast reduction . This is a cosmetic surgery that involves removal of excessive fat deposits from breasts and excessive skin.  Abnormally large size of breasts also causes several health issues such as neck pain and back pain due to imbalance of body weight.  Surgeons would ensure all facts and figures related to the patient’s and her family’s medical history in order to avoid any complications after beast reduction. They also conduct a mammogram, some other tests and can take photos of patient’s breast to determine the amount of tissue to be removed to get a better contour after the size of the breasts would be reduced after surgery. Surgeons administer general anesthesia for patients for their comfort during the surgery. The duration of surgery depends on various factors and can take three to five hours or even more. The surgeons make incision along the edges o