Male Breast Reduction Surgery–Aftercare and Recovery

Having enlarged breasts can bring embarrassment and distress to any man. The good news, however, is that it is possible to get rid of female-looking breasts. Male Breast Reduction surgery has gained popularity across the world. If you are considering this procedure then you should know about the aftercare and recovery so that you can prepare yourself for it. Aftercare and Recovery The details related to it are discussed prior to the surgery. Your plastic surgeon would discuss when you can resume work and other daily routine activities. Once the surgery is done, the caregiver will get a detailed set of instructions about the postoperative care that might include information about: Signs of complications Normal symptoms and changes you will experience Drains, in case they have been placed Right after the Male Breast Reduction Surgery Usually, you will be bandaged, wear a compression garment. The first three post-surgery days are critical for reco...