
Showing posts from June, 2016

Why Do Men Get Gynecomastia ?

Men get gynecomastia surgery because they want to decrease the size of their enlarged breast. For some men and boys, they develop extra tissue in their breasts for a number of reasons. One reason a male develops extra breast tissue is because of too much estrogen and not enough testosterone.  Estrogen is a female hormone and testosterone is a male hormone. An imbalance of these hormones in a man results in extra-large breasts, commonly knowns as “man boobs”. A common question men ask about is – will proper diet and exercise correct my gynecomastia condition? According to Dr. Kashyap of Beverly Hills Man plastic surgery, he explains that: “Gynecomastia is a condition that may require a surgery because working out alone will not reduce your breast tissue. Exercising has the potential to reduce fat and build muscle for people, but it’s not a proven method to completely rid yourself of gynecomastia. One of the most effective procedures for this type of condit

Find Out More About Breast Augmentation..

Breasts under go a lot of changes in time. Pregnancy and lactation often changes the shape of the breasts making it more loose or saggy. Deflated or droopy shapeless breasts is a confidence breaker. There are a wide range of definitive surgical options from implants to lifts to regain your lost confidence. Breast augmentation (breast implants) is suitable for women who perceive their breasts as being too small , either because they have never had full development of breast tissue or as a result of the loss of breast tissue that sometimes occurs after pregnancy and breast-feeding. Small breasts may also be due to massive weight loss. If breast sagging accompanies small breast volume, a breast uplift operation, Mastopexy, may be required. The enlargement can be done by either using an breast implant (silicone/saline) or by Natural breast augmentation using fat. The breast augmentation ( breast implant ) surgery does not usually alter breast function. Since the operation

Best Breast Surgery offers safe and effective Breast Augmentation Surgery

Summary -   There are many women who have small breasts which adversely affect their personality.   For those who are looking for the treatment which can help them get improved shape of breasts can choose to undergo breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation is one of the most sought-after and commonly performed cosmetic procedures which can help women get better and improved shape of their breasts. With an objective to provide the most effective and safe breast augmentation surgery, Best Surgery India, is providing the treatment at cost-effective rates. They are one of the leading and renowned cosmetic surgery clinics in Delhi providing treatments which can help in enhancing the looks of a person.     In this kind of surgical procedure, breast size is restored or increased making use of silicone gel implants or saline implants. In some cases, fat is transferred too. It varies from patient to patient. It is one of the most successfully performed surgeries givin

Breast Augmentation Surgery for Restoring Shape and Size of a Woman’s Breasts

In the years spanning a last decade, the world of medical science has evolved and undergone dramatic change. There is treatment for every problem. And, so is the case with the world of cosmetic surgery.   Improvement in technology has made it possible to enhance almost any part of your body, and breasts are no exception. There are different types of breast surgeries which are performed for improving their shape and size. However, the one which is being performed widely all over the globe is breast augmentation surgery .  It is performed for enhancing the contour, shape and size of a woman’s breasts. An increasing number of women prefer this surgery for different reasons. Some women want to undergo this surgery to regain the lost shape after pregnancy while there are others who have extremely small breasts. There are many women who prefer this surgery for correcting asymmetry in their breast size.     This kind of surgery is performed with implants which are placed over