Prominent Causes of Gynecomastia

Prominent Causes of Gynecomastia

Women love having fuller and larger breasts but the same can be detrimental when it comes to men. Larger breasts in men are often referred to as Gynecomastia or man boobs. Heavy breasted men are often ridiculed or made fun of. This is enough to shatter their self-confidence and compel them to seek seclusion.

According to estimation according to 60% of men suffer from gynecomastia. This ailment is identified by a lumpy mass under one or both nipples or development of excessively large and pendulous breasts in men. Living with gynecomastia is not easy. Men suffering from this disorder revert from going top-less publicly. They avoid occasions or activities, like swimming or working out in a gym where they either have to reveal their bare body or get into a tight outfit.

However, though gynecomastia can be effectively cured with plastic surgery but before that, we need to clearly understand the reasons behind it happening. Here are the most prominent causes behind gynecomastia.
  • Age - It is the most common reason behind man boobs. When you age, your skin tends to get loose. This can make your boobs appear sagging and pendulous. Moreover, it may also happen due to hormonal imbalance that is common with age.
  • Alcohol – Excessive alcohol can not only damage your liver but also alter the way your body metabolise hormones. This may lead to gynecomastia. Some other ailments that cause the alternation in hormones and result in gynecomastia are kidney disorders, thyroids problem and malnutrition.
  • Cancer - Hormonal imbalance resulting from cancer can also cause gynecomastia. People suffering from testicle and lung cancers are generally found to have enlarged man boobs. Benign pituitary tumour known as prolactinoma may also be among one of the causes.
  • Drugs - The drugs for curing high blood pressure and ulcers may lead to the enlargement of breasts in men. Moreover, some anti-depressants and even antibiotics may also promote the growth of large breasts in men. Some natural and ayurvedic products containing tee tree oil and lavender oil, which are common ingredients in soaps and shampoos are also identified as the trouble makers.
  • Obesity - Overweight men tend to develop excess fat on their chest. The excessive fat accumulation on the chest also causes hormonal imbalance in the body leading to the growth of the breast tissues. Most overweight men seem to intentionally grow large bellies to divert the onlooker’s attention off their heavy breasts.
  • Puberty - Boys tend to have swelled up breast tissues during their puberty. Often the doctors advice to keep a watchful eye. In most cases the problem gets solved with time. However, for those that don’t, treatment might be needed.
  • Body-building steroids - Some body-building steroids that are used to develop muscles also interfere with the estrogen inside the body and make the breast tissues swell up.
  • Pre-birth – Unborn babies develop breast tissue when they are in their mother’s womb. Male babies, exposed to higher level of estrogen in the womb might develop larger boobs. However, in most cases the growth subdues with time.
Before you go for the treatment of gynacomastia, you need to know the causes behind it. If you are suffering from the problem, get in touch with your doctor and seek a solution.


  1. Focus hair transplant centre is a perfect place where you can get amazing treatment for the problem of male enlarged breast as we provide amazing Gynecomastia Surgery which is high quality and affordable.


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