Why Do Men Get Gynecomastia ?

Men get gynecomastia surgery because they want to decrease the size of their enlarged breast. For some men and boys, they develop extra tissue in their breasts for a number of reasons. One reason a male develops extra breast tissue is because of too much estrogen and not enough testosterone. Estrogen is a female hormone and testosterone is a male hormone. An imbalance of these hormones in a man results in extra-large breasts, commonly knowns as “man boobs”. A common question men ask about is – will proper diet and exercise correct my gynecomastia condition? According to Dr. Kashyap of Beverly Hills Man plastic surgery, he explains that: “Gynecomastia is a condition that may require a surgery because working out alone will not reduce your breast tissue. Exercising has the potential to reduce fat and build muscle for people, but it’s not a proven method to completely rid yourself of gynecomastia. One of the most effective procedures for this type of co...