Find Out More About Breast Augmentation..

breast augmentation in delhi

Breasts under go a lot of changes in time. Pregnancy and lactation often changes the shape of the breasts making it more loose or saggy. Deflated or droopy shapeless breasts is a confidence breaker.
There are a wide range of definitive surgical options from implants to lifts to regain your lost confidence.

Breast augmentation(breast implants) is suitable for women who perceive their breasts as being too small, either because they have never had full development of breast tissue or as a result of the loss of breast tissue that sometimes occurs after pregnancy and breast-feeding. Small breasts may also be due to massive weight loss. If breast sagging accompanies small breast volume, a breast uplift operation, Mastopexy, may be required.

The enlargement can be done by either using an breast implant (silicone/saline) or by Natural breast augmentation using fat. The breast augmentation (breast implant) surgery does not usually alter breast function. Since the operation does not interfere with breast tissue, the possibility of breast-feeding after pregnancy remains unaltered.

It must be remembered that not all women can breast-feed successfully anyway - the important point here being that the breast will function the same after treatment as before. There may be altered nipple sensation. Additionally, breast implants do not increase or decrease the chances of developing breast cancer. Hundreds of thousands of augmentation mammoplasties (breast implants) have been performed worldwide and there has never been any demonstrated relationship between breast implants and breast cancer or any other breast disease.

Breast implant surgery usually is done on a day care basis. You can go home the same day after the breast implant surgery. 

Other than surgical correction - using Breast implants or the person's own body fat - there is no method that can increase the size and fullness of the breasts. Unfortunately, no amount of exercise, hormonal treatment or creams can have any noticeable effect on the dimensions of small breasts. This is why breast augmentation (breast implants) has become a very popular method of enhancing the female form. Breast augmentation (breast implants) has been successful world-wide and has helped many women attain a better figure, which in turn has made an important psychological contribution to their feelings of femininity, confidence, well-being and happiness.
  • Physical and psychological factors are closely linked here; thus, patients are carefully assessed and guided in realising their expectations. 
  • Breast Implant Surgery is a day care procedure generally taking 45 mins to an hour unless it is combined with any other procedure like a lift. 
  • Swelling will be present for a few weeks during which a snugly fitting sports bra is encouraged. Massaging can be started within 3 weeks while taking a shower. 
  • Sexual activity can be resumed with in a month.
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