Why Do Men Get Gynecomastia ?

gynecomastia surgery in delhi

Men get gynecomastia surgery because they want to decrease the size of their enlarged breast. For some men and boys, they develop extra tissue in their breasts for a number of reasons. One reason a male develops extra breast tissue is because of too much estrogen and not enough testosterone.  Estrogen is a female hormone and testosterone is a male hormone. An imbalance of these hormones in a man results in extra-large breasts, commonly knowns as “man boobs”.

A common question men ask about is – will proper diet and exercise correct my gynecomastia condition? According to Dr. Kashyap of Beverly Hills Man plastic surgery, he explains that:
“Gynecomastia is a condition that may require a surgery because working out alone will not reduce your breast tissue. Exercising has the potential to reduce fat and build muscle for people, but it’s not a proven method to completely rid yourself of gynecomastia. One of the most effective procedures for this type of condition to achieve a smooth chest appearance requires surgical excision and liposuction.”

Male breast reduction surgery is a ground-breaking technique for reducing an excess of glandular tissue which in effect makes the male breast look more feminine. Gynecomastia treatment involves excisional surgery (because of excessive amount of skin) and liposuction (to reduce the fat deposit in the breasts).

Puberty plays a role in the development of gynecomastia. However, do to some habits, men may experience enlarged breasts because of too much alcohol consumption, smoking marijuana, prescription medication, steroids, liver disease, and tumors found in the brain, adrenal glands, and testicles. There are a number of reasons why a man develops gynecomastia in his life, and they should be evaluated by their primary care physician prior to scheduling a consult for gynecomastia treatment.

 Men Get Gynecomastia

This is in fact a revolutionary cosmetic procedure and provides men an opportunity to achieve the look they always wanted (with regards to their chest size). Although the surgery has been steadily gaining in popularity for many years, some men remain unsure about going under the knife for treatment, and retort to diet and exercise.

It’s essential for an interested person to consult with a board certified physician to clarify any concerns and questions they may have. In providing a basis of support and knowledge for potential patients, a patient should seek a localsurgeon to discuss all their options. A board certified plastic surgeon will be able to demonstrate and explain to the prospective patient the fine points of the procedure and determine if he qualifies after evaluation.

How you look this summer is going to be dependent on the choices you make. Diet and exercise is important to stay healthy and feel great. If you’re suffering with excess breast tissue because of gynecomastia that diet and chest exercises can’t resolve, reach out to a local surgeon that offers great before and after pictures on their website. Don’t be bothered with your overall appearance any longer. No one should feel awkward with the way they look. Embracing your look is empowering and honorable. Begin your journey to a better body now.

Get more information http://www.bestbreastsurgeryindia.com/





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