Know all about Symptom of Gynecomastia

Know all about Symptom of Gynecomastia

"Men are becoming very conscious about body flab, particularly younger ones. They want to have a body shape that they want to show off, especially a perfect chest. Trends are changing. More men come to us for male breast reduction and nose surgery."


·         Enlargement of the male breasts.
·         It is typically symmetrical in location and may have a rubbery or firm feel.
·         It usually occurs on both sides but can be unilateral in some cases.
·         The enlargement may be greater on one side even if both sides are involved.
·         Tenderness and sensitivity may be present, although there is typically no severe pain.

In most cases, gynecomastia can be diagnosed by a physical examination. In certain cases medical history and tests may be recommended to help establish the cause of gynecomastia such as blood tests to examine liver, kidney, and thyroid function. Measurement of hormone levels in the bloodstream may also be recommended in some cases.

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