Everything About Cosmetic Breast Augmentation Surgery and Breast Lifts

A pair of perfectly shaped and toned breasts is the best asset of any woman that not only enhances the attractiveness and beauty, but also gives a boost to self-confidence and provides a positive self-image. But in many cases women are not satisfied with their breasts due to various factors like small size of the breasts, sagging and drooping breasts after childbirth, weight loss causing change in the shape and size of the breasts or disparity in the size of the two breasts.

Cosmetic breast surgery or breast augmentation is the one stop solution that addresses all these problems in an effective manner. Breast augmentation surgery not only increases or decreases the size of your breasts as per preference, but also corrects asymmetry and unevenness of breast size caused by developmental issues or breast cancer surgery.

Different Types of Breast Cosmetic Surgeries
Although breast implant surgery for enhancing breast size is the most popular cosmetic surgery, there are various other breast cosmetic surgeries that one can choose from.
Breast Augmentation
breast augmentation

Brest augmentation is often referred as the “Boob Job” and is performed in order to expand the physical appearance of the breasts. An artificial breast implant like saline or silicone gel is inserted into the breasts either directly behind the breast tissue or below the pectoral muscles in order to add volume of the bust line, increase fullness of the breasts and correct asymmetrical breasts.
Breast Lift

The breast lift surgery is yet another cosmetic breast surgery that is done mainly to improve the overall shape of the breasts rather than affecting the size. In case of breast lifting, the skin and tissues of the breasts are tightened in order to correct drooping and sagging of the breasts caused by gravity. Breast lift surgery is also known as mastopexy that is used to provide firmness and proper shape to the breasts.

Reconstructive Breast Surgery

Reconstructive breast surgery is a specific kind of breast enlargement surgery that is done in special cases such as breast cancer, mastectomy or any other health issues in which one or both the breasts have been lost. In case of reconstructive surgery, the breast implants or donor muscles and tissues are used to create a more natural looking bust line.
Breast Reduction

breast reduction

Just like increasing the bust line, there are cosmetic procedures that can reduce the bust line and give a modest appearance to excessively large breasts. In this procedure, excessive breast tissue and fat are removed thereby, reducing the overall size of the breasts.

Who Are the Suitable Candidates for Breast Cosmetic Surgeries?

Breast augmentation and other cosmetic surgeries are all highly individualized procedures and the decision to opt for a breast augmentation procedure should be for yourself and not for fulfilling the desires of others. One or more of the following conditions indicate that you are a potential candidate for breast augmentation. 
Breast Cosmetic Surgeries

  • ·         You feel worried that your breasts are too small and unattractive.
  • ·         You are self-conscious about wearing swimwear, low cut tops or fitted dresses.
  • ·         Your breasts have lost firmness and elasticity after childbirth.
  • ·         Your breasts have lost shape and form due to weight loss.
  • ·         One of the breasts is smaller in size than the other.
  • ·         Your clothes fit well around the hips but are too large at the bustline.

Important Steps to Prepare for Cosmetic Breast Enlargement Surgery and Breast Lifts

It is always said that a prepared patient is the best patient in case of any surgery. These are few important tips that you can follow before your breast augmentation surgery so that things move on smoothly.
·         Arrange for a reliable person to be present with you on the day of the surgery and make prior arrangement for transport to and from the clinic/Hospital.

  • ·         Although exercising is good for your health but it is best to refrain from intense exercise the day before the procedure.
  • ·         Stay away from blood thinning medications for 2 weeks prior to the surgery and till 2 days after the surgery.
  • ·         Have your prescription ready, purchase all the medicines and carry it with you to the surgery center.
  • ·         Review the entire procedure of the surgery along with the size and type of implants with your doctor.
  • ·         Don’t drink water or eat any food after midnight on the night before the surgery.
  • ·         Keep a post op bra handy with you.
  • ·         Take a shower on the day of the surgery before going to the clinic using a special surgical soap.
  • ·         Wear loose fitting and comfortable front open clothes on the day of the surgery.

·         If you are on your periods, prefer external sanitary pads rather than tampons, as it can lead to toxic shock syndrome.
No matter which breast augmentation procedure you choose, it is important to take proper care of the implants and monitor them and visit the plastic surgeon for follow up and routine check-ups.


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